New to Pilates? Last month we introduced you to a few simple Pilates core exercises. This month we’ll talk about how to progress. Check out our 18 minute beginner core sequence here, and then explore below to find added challenges. 

(If you need help finding your neutral pelvis, check out our blog series on how to find neutral in different positions and how to modify when needed.)

Toe Taps

Progression of Fingertip Abdominals & Marching

Set up: lie on your back, feet hip sockets distance apart (about the width of two fists).

Find your neutral pelvis and stabilize there. Draw one leg at a time to tabletop.

EXHALE reach one leg towards the ground, as if you’re going to tap your toe on the mat (only move as far as you’re able to stabilize pelvis/low back/ribs)

INHALE draw the leg back to tabletop

Repeat 8-10x on each side.

Need more challenge? Glue your legs together and move them as a unit. The range of motion will likely be smaller (our priority is low back stability), but you’ll feel those abs! We want to feel the work in the front of the body (abdominals) and not in the low back. 

Upper Ab Curl Progression

Progression of Ab Curl

Set up: interlace your fingers behind your head (thumbs on the base of your skull and elbows visible in your peripheral vision)

EXHALE draw the abdominals in and curl head, neck, and shoulders away from the ground

INHALE reach the arms forward, grabbing your thighs 

EXHALE use your arms to pull yourself higher into your abdominal curl

INHALE hold the height as you release your arms

EXHALE bring the hands behind your head, holding the height of your curl

INHALE release back down

Repeat 4-6x.

Need a challenge? Try this on a foam roller!

Single Leg Extension

Progression of Marching

Set up: Imprint your low back to the earth, feel the pressure of the low back on the ground and make sure to keep it consistent throughout the move. (More advanced practitioners - opt for a neutral pelvis.)  

Draw one leg at a time to tabletop.

EXHALE pull abdominals in, extend one leg away from your chest

INHALE draw the leg back to tabletop

EXHALE draw the abdominals in as the second leg extends

INHALE return leg to tabletop

Repeat 6-10x on each side, focusing on stabilizing the hips/low back. 

Need more challenge? Keeping your back stable, reach your legs lower, or glue your legs together and move them as a unit. 

Is it challenging to keep your low back still? Try either extending the leg higher to the sky and/or not straightening your legs all the way.

All Fours - Bird Dog

Progression of Pregnant Cat & Puppy in the Snow

Set Up: on all fours, find your neutral spine (sitz bones pointed straight back behind you, crown of head reaching forward). Extend one leg behind you —  toes tucked under, hips pointing forward. Reach the opposite arm forward, pinky on the ground to start, thumb up. 

EXHALE: hover the arm and leg off the earth, keeping the rest of the body centered and stable

INHALE lower back down (make sure you stay centered on the mat!)

Repeat 8-10 x. Finish with a hold for 6 breaths. 

Take a child’s pose, and repeat on the other side.

Is it difficult to keep your body centered on the mat? Try moving only one limb at a time. Start with your arms, progress to the legs, and then combine!

Overhead Reach

Progression of Chest Float

Set Up: lie on your tummy, hands in a W position (elbows a little lower than shoulder height, hands head height), head hovering off the ground, low abs engaged w/ the pubic bone tilting towards the ground

EXHALE pull the navel away from the ground, engaging abdominals

INHALE de-shrug shoulders away from the ears as the head lifts (keep the back of the neck long) & the chest gets lighter on the ground

EXHALE hold your highest point, feel the work in the upper back (absolutely no sensation in the low back) & hover the arms off the earth

INHALE draw your shoulder blades towards your hips as your arms reach overhead, towards the wall in front of you

EXHALE bend the elbows, reaching your chest further forward

INHALE reach the collarbones forward as you lower back to the earth

Repeat 6-8x. Press back into a child’s pose. 5 deep breaths there. 

Keep the low abs active the whole time and pubic bone imprinted into the mat. Keep awareness on what you feel working - we’re targeting the upper back here and we do not want sensation in the low back.

Can’t get it out of the low back? Come to class and we’ll help you!

Plank Variations

Progression of Plank

Set Up: Find your plank (on forearms or hands).

Planks are always challenging! You can hold your plank or play with the following variations:

  1. Leg Lifts
    EXHALE lift one leg off the earth (feel hamstring activation to lift the leg)
    Hold for a few breaths. Lower & repeat on the other side.

  2. Forward/Back
    EXHALE flex feet (drawing the body back a few inches)
    INHALE point feet (drawing the body forward a few inches)
    Repeat 10x.

  3. Shoulder Taps
    EXHALE tap right hand to left shoulder
    INHALE lower back down
    Alternate sides, repeating 10x each arm. 

Loving these variations? One of our favorite things about Pilates is how many variations and modifications there are for each move, so that you’re sure to find the one that serves you best! 

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Sciatica and Piriformis Syndrome


18 Min Beginner Core